Do you know how to answer these interview questions?

02 March 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Are you prepared for a potential job loss? It's not a comfortable topic to think about, but it's always better to be proactive and prepared for any eventuality. That's why I'm excited to share my latest article on LinkedIn, "5 Ways to Prepare Yourself for a Potential Job Loss." In this article, I share five actionable tips to help you prepare for a potential job loss, including how to keep your skills up-to-date, build your network, save for emergencies, keep your resume up-to-date, and have a plan in place. But that's not all - I'm also looking for five engineers who are passionate about helping others prepare for a potential job loss. If you're interested in sharing your knowledge and experience with others and want to make a difference, then be sure to check out the article and leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts.

If you're seeking help from a mentor, it's important to have a clear idea of what you hope to achieve through the mentorship.

01 March 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Please note that this post contains profanity. If you're easily offended, you may want to skip this one. I recently stumbled across a post on Instagram that resonated with me. It was a list of "12 f$#%ing rules of success."

LinkedIn: Can we normalize putting the salary in the job description in 2023

29 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Please note that this post contains profanity. If you're easily offended, you may want to skip this one. I recently stumbled across a post on Instagram that resonated with me. It was a list of "12 f$#%ing rules of success."

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization problem that involves finding the shortest possible route that visits a set of cities and returns to the starting city. In the TSP, a sa

28 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Looking for a free alternative to GitHub Copilot? Check out Amazon Code Whisperer! 🤖 This tool suggests code while you program and supports a wide range of programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, C# and more. What's great about Code Whisperer is that it tells you where the code came from and what license it uses. Plus, it's compatible with Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA.

A classic problem solved with Pytho

28 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Looking for a free alternative to GitHub Copilot? Check out Amazon Code Whisperer! 🤖 This tool suggests code while you program and supports a wide range of programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, C# and more. What's great about Code Whisperer is that it tells you where the code came from and what license it uses. Plus, it's compatible with Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA.

ChatGPT can write code faster and seemingly better than many programmers

27 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

It also checks for any broken links on the page using the requests library and takes a screenshot of any broken links if they are found. Additionally, the code checks for any visual changes on the page using the ImageMagick command-line tool and the Python os and subprocess libraries. from selenium import webdriver

Improving your skills in algorithms and data structures can help you become a better software engineer and can also be useful for preparing for technical interviews. Here are some steps you can take

26 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

To understand what happens, let's break it down step-by-step: Your browser sends a request to a DNS server to resolve the IP address of "". The DNS server is a specialized server that maintains a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. When you enter a URL into your browser, your browser sends a DNS query to a DNS server to translate the domain name into an IP address. If the DNS server has the IP address cached, it returns it to your browser. If it doesn't have the IP address, it sends a query to other DNS servers until it finds the correct IP address. Once your browser knows the IP address of the server that hosts "", it establishes a TCP connection with the server. TCP is a protocol that allows reliable communication between two devices. When your browser establishes a TCP connection with the server, it goes through a three-way handshake process to ensure that both devices are ready to communicate.

He abierto 4 plazas para el programa en español de Engineer Game que empieza el próximo mes de Enero, durante 12 semanas tendrás de toda mi experiencia y conocimiento haciendo entrevistas en empresas

25 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

JavaScript developers are excited about the new Class Fields proposal, which introduces several improvements for handling members on JavaScript classes. This umbrella proposal includes public and private instance fields, private instance methods and accessors, and static class features. In this post, we’ll focus on public and private instance fields. Before the Class Fields proposal, developers would declare a member field inside the class keyword by introducing it in the constructor. Now, the latest ECMAScript specification allows developers to define the member field inline as part of the class body. Here's an example of inline public and private class fields:

As a software engineer, it's important to manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to focus on your work and projects. Here are some tips for managing your time with meetings

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Share your thoughts in the comments below and if you want to receive exclusive content and updates, shoot me a DM and I'll make sure you're in the loop. Let's learn and grow together!

Starting a new job as a software engineer can be both exciting and overwhelming. It's important to manage your expectations and set yourself up for success by taking the following steps

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

"It's a non-trivial amount of work" = This task will take significant effort and cannot be accomplished quickly or easily. "This is a temporary solution" = This solution will work for now, but it will need to be replaced with a better one in the future. "I'll be finished by Monday" = I will complete the task as soon as possible, but I cannot guarantee an exact timeline.

Little things make a big difference

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

As a software engineer, I know that sometimes my technical jargon can be confusing to those outside of the field. Here are some common phrases I use and what I really mean: "It's a non-trivial amount of work" = This task will take significant effort and cannot be accomplished quickly or easily. "This is a temporary solution" = This solution will work for now, but it will need to be replaced with a better one in the future.

LinkedIn: Can I get an “amen?!

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

With the right mindset, strategy, and execution, it's possible to make it a reality. In this post, we explore how engineers can FIRE in 15 years and have a net worth of $4,000,000. From maximizing savings and investments to generating passive income streams, I cover the key steps and examples to help you get there. Whether you're just starting out in your career or have been working for years, it's never too late to pursue your retirement goals. #softwareengineering #financialindependence #FIRE #earlyretirement #investing #wealthcreation #passiveincome #retirementplanning #personalfinance #financialfreedom #moneymanagement #frugal #savemoney #budgeting #retireearly #retirementgoals #retirementdreams #investmentstrategies #financialliteracy #engineerlife

Here are some tips for remembering names during a job interview

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Which of these methods do you prefer and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below. #javascript #developer #programming #engineering

The responsibilities of a staff software engineer can vary depending on the specific role and the needs of the organization, but some common responsibilities may include

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Your relationship with your job has never been what you think... 🟢 Even though you never miss work, even when you're sick. 🟢 Despite your enormous dedication and commitment.

As a production engineer at Facebook, you may encounter a wide range of challenges and issues related to the deployment, maintenance, and management of software systems and infrastructure. Some possi

24 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Your relationship with your job has never been what you think... 🟢 Even though you never miss work, even when you're sick. 🟢 Despite your enormous dedication and commitment.

He abierto 4 plazas para el programa en español de Engineer Game que empieza el próximo mes de Enero, durante 12 semanas tendrás de toda mi experiencia y conocimiento haciendo entrevistas en empresas

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Starting a career in software engineering can be challenging, but learning from those who have been in the industry for a while can help make the journey smoother. I will share 22 top life lessons from experienced software engineers that can help you grow in your career. I will also provide examples to help you understand how to apply these lessons to your own situation. No one really cares about you.

Like 👍 Share 🤝

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Starting a career in software engineering can be challenging, but learning from those who have been in the industry for a while can help make the journey smoother. I will share 22 top life lessons from experienced software engineers that can help you grow in your career. I will also provide examples to help you understand how to apply these lessons to your own situation. No one really cares about you.

The positive impacts of working from home

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Starting a career in software engineering can be challenging, but learning from those who have been in the industry for a while can help make the journey smoother. I will share 22 top life lessons from experienced software engineers that can help you grow in your career. I will also provide examples to help you understand how to apply these lessons to your own situation. No one really cares about you.

10 tips to improve your resum

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Starting a career in software engineering can be challenging, but learning from those who have been in the industry for a while can help make the journey smoother. I will share 22 top life lessons from experienced software engineers that can help you grow in your career. I will also provide examples to help you understand how to apply these lessons to your own situation. No one really cares about you.

Devops engineer in a nutshel

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Starting a career in software engineering can be challenging, but learning from those who have been in the industry for a while can help make the journey smoother. I will share 22 top life lessons from experienced software engineers that can help you grow in your career. I will also provide examples to help you understand how to apply these lessons to your own situation. No one really cares about you.

MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database. Here are some common commands you might use with MongoDB

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

My name is Alex, and I was born and raised in Spain. From a young age, I had a passion for computers and technology, and after completing my studies in computer science, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in the tech industry. I moved to the United States to pursue my dream, but I faced many challenges, including adapting to a new culture and language and starting from scratch in building my career. It was tough, but I refused to let these challenges hold me back. I worked hard to improve my English skills and attended networking events to meet other engineers and learn about the industry. Eventually, I landed my first job at Splunk, which was a great opportunity for me to learn and grow as a software engineer.

#python resource for #devops and #sre #engineers

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Shyu quickly impressed his colleagues with his skills and knowledge, and he soon became a key member of the YouTube team. Over the next few years, he worked on a number of high-profile projects, including the development of the YouTube mobile app. But what set Shyu apart was his dedication to his work. He was known for putting in long hours and going above and beyond what was expected of him. And his hard work paid off in a big way. In 2016, Google went public with its stock, and Shyu suddenly found himself the owner of a significant amount of company stock. Over the next few years, Google's stock price continued to climb, reaching new heights with each passing year.

Amazing #resume

17 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Shyu quickly impressed his colleagues with his skills and knowledge, and he soon became a key member of the YouTube team. Over the next few years, he worked on a number of high-profile projects, including the development of the YouTube mobile app. But what set Shyu apart was his dedication to his work. He was known for putting in long hours and going above and beyond what was expected of him. And his hard work paid off in a big way. In 2016, Google went public with its stock, and Shyu suddenly found himself the owner of a significant amount of company stock. Over the next few years, Google's stock price continued to climb, reaching new heights with each passing year.

Why don't keyboards sleep? Because they have two shifts

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

However, one day I stumbled upon a quote by Hermann Hesse that said: "In order for the possible to arise, it is precisely the impossible that must be attempted again and again." This quote resonated deeply with me and made me reflect on my self-imposed fears and limitations. I realized that if I never tried anything new, I would never have the chance to achieve my goals and dreams. So I decided that I needed to change my attitude and start taking action to face my fears and regain my confidence. I began by setting small, achievable goals and worked hard to achieve them. With each success, my confidence grew, and I felt more motivated to keep going.

Dailies = micromanagemen

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

After working for at least a few years in 4 huge software companies, here is the main lesson from each experience. Amazon: Prioritize or burn out. I learned to prioritize and say no. Each time a manager came with more work, I would show the list of what I was doing and ask for the position of that new item. Always made it clear where was the line of the things I could do. Microsoft: Tech is not everything. Worked on promising projects that failed miserably in the market, and some didn't even reach the market. Worked on other projects that I couldn't believe were sponsored, and those made it to the short list of products/services with more than $1bi/year revenue.

OpenAI is releasing a chatbot for the first time in a test phase. It is called ChatGPT and is intended to help OpenAI develop better AI systems through user feedback

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

1. Leetcode Always ask clarifying questions, they are meant to be vague. Tech Interview Handbook (solve 50 suggested LCs multiple times):

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Decisions can leverage different consequences. What are your decisions to improve today? #layoffs #engineering #softwareengineer #softwaredeveloper #dataengineer #careerjourney #careercoach #mentor #sre #sitereliabilityengineering

Heads-Up: Amazon S3 Security Changes Are Coming in April of 202

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

It could be you. If you are a software engineer, data engineer, data scientist, full stack or cloud engineer and you want to earn between $100,000 and $1M a year in your career... You are who I'm looking for. The other day I proposed that you use your imagination and imagine earning a million dollars (or euros).

As a software engineer, you are at the forefront of creating and building innovative technology solutions. Your skills and expertise are valuable assets that can help drive the success of any project

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

If you're here, you probably have a job. Let's imagine that you're not earning as much as you would like. And surely, on some occasions, you've fantasized about earning a salary of a million dollars (or euros).

Awesome notes on #git commands by Tomomi Imur

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

By following Engineer Game, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources and opportunities, including workshops, webinars, mentorship programs, and networking events. You'll also have the chance to connect with other like-minded professionals in your field, share your experiences, and learn from their successes and failures. Join Engineer Game today and take the first step towards advancing your career. #community #career #tech #opportunities #engineer #softwareengineer #software #networking

As a software engineer, you will be expected to possess a certain set of skills and abilities that are essential to the role. In an interview, a potential employer may ask you a series of behavioral

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

#technology #careers #engineer #softwarengineer #dataengineer #python #coding #leetcode #interview #interviewprep #techjob #machinelearning #openai #datascientist #productmanager #cloudengineer #sre #sitereliabilityengineer #cloudengineer #dreams #aspirations #tech #techcareer #techhiring #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #softwaredeveloperjobs

Steps in an Onsite Intervie

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

¿Apoyarte en el trabajo de tus sueños y conseguir tus objetivos? Próxima semana estaré dando una charla gratuita sobre cómo transformar tu vida a través de un mejor trabajo y contaré mi experiencia en US en una FAAMG. Para más información te puedes registrar en el evento de DATAIS en Meetup:

Identifying your dream job in tech can be a challenging but rewarding process. To start, it's important to take the time to reflect on your personal goals, interests, and strengths, as well as your c

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

- Extract responses from Stack Overflow - Offers you code snippets directly - Has tools to translate between languages - Your ChatGPT to explain the code

You should focus on finding a mentor who can help you improve your skills and prepare for interviews.

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

Tell me about the most challenging engineering project you’ve worked on. Describe a written technical report or presentation you had to complete. Explain a time you had to use logic to solve an engineering problem. Describe a time you demonstrated leadership skills at work. What processes do you follow to catch any mistakes in your work?

SRE 3.0 and the future of DevOps #devops #future

10 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

This will help you identify the type of mentor you need and will make it easier for your mentor to provide guidance and support. There are many ways to find a mentor, including asking for a mentor at your current job, joining a professional organization, attending industry events, or reaching out to someone you admire in your field. Once you've found a mentor, it's important to establish a strong, trusting relationship. This may involve setting clear expectations, meeting regularly, and being open and honest with your mentor about your goals and challenges. Make the most of your mentorship by actively seeking out advice and guidance, asking questions, and following through on your mentor's suggestions. It's also important to be open to feedback and be willing to take action on their suggestions.

#kubernetes #argocd #cicd #pipeline #devops #devopsengineer

01 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

It seems like we're taking a step in the right direction this year; for example, a new California Salary Transparency Bill: SB 1162 states "An employer, upon reasonable request, shall provide the pay scale for a position to an applicant applying for employment" ❌ Please don't make the pay scale like this: $30k-$200k ✅ Make it like this: $100k-$110k (or even give a specific number!)

Productive shortcuts with Vi

01 February 2024 Alejandro Acosta

So will it replace software engineers anytime soon? The answer is no. Here are 4 reasons why: 👇 1) Currently, when doing programming tasks, ChatGPT outputs code. And is everybody able to grok, manipulate, and use code? No—only software engineers are. ChatGPT's current coding-related outputs are useless to the general population and need to be handled by SWEs.

What are you waiting to take action

29 ABRIL 2023 Alejandro Acosta

But if left unchecked, this stress can lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. In my latest post, I'm sharing some tips on how to prevent burnout and prioritize your mental health as a software engineer. Let's work together to create a healthier, happier industry.

Working hard as an engineer in tech can be both challenging and rewarding. As we pursue our careers, it's important to remember why we chose this path in the first place. For many of us, it's because

27 MARZO 2023 Alejandro Acosta

I hope you're all having a fantastic day. I just wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and insights that have been on my mind lately. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, I've been reflecting on the importance of being adaptable and open to change. Whether it's in our personal or professional lives, the ability to pivot and adjust our approach can make all the difference. So let's keep an open mind, embrace new opportunities, and support each other as we move forward. I'm excited to continue this journey with all of you.

The Engineer Game newsletter is live! Join if you want to know how to navigate the software engineer life.

22 MARZO 2023 Alejandro Acosta

Stop comparing yourself and remember that everyone has their own journey. In fact, you may be right where you need to be. Check out my story and how he found success on his own path. Plus, if you're looking to boost your career, he has a system to increase your salary by 40% in less than 6 months. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

This is the BEST search engine for PROGRAMMERS

20 DICIEMBRE 2023 Alejandro Acosta

When it comes to choosing a mentor, it is essential to consider their track record and the results they have achieved. It is common to hear advice that you should seek out a mentor who has been mentored by another successful mentor. However, it is crucial to remember that success is not always transferable.

¿Quieres hacer un cambio en tu vida?

18 DICIEMBRE 2023 Alejandro Acosta

When it comes to choosing a mentor, it is essential to consider their track record and the results they have achieved. It is common to hear advice that you should seek out a mentor who has been mentored by another successful mentor. However, it is crucial to remember that success is not always transferable.

Glad more people use Linux nowadays and it is the default for Cloud services. A good understanding about linux kernel fundamentals is crucial to work as SRE

16 MARZO 2023 Alejandro Acosta

Do you put in long hours and dedicated effort, only to see others get recognized for their work instead of you? I know how frustrating this can be - I've been there myself. But there are steps you can take to gain the recognition and respect you deserve. In this post, I'll share my own experience and provide tips on how you can take control of your career and achieve the success you've been working so hard for.

I have created an Engineer Game community to share news and content for engineers in tech, you can join using the following link : ‎

1 MAYO 2023 Alejandro Acosta

Encapsulating conditionals means isolating a complex conditional expression inside a well-named function. By doing so, you can make your code easier to read, understand, and maintain. Here are some benefits of encapsulating conditionals: Improved readability: By encapsulating conditionals, you can give a name to the function that describes what the condition does. This can make the code much more readable, as you don't need to dig through a complex conditional expression to understand what it does.