Legal Notice - Site Terms of Use and Conditions for Product or Service Contracts

Legal Notice - Site Terms of Use and Conditions for Product or Service Contracts

Last updated on April 6, 2023


Engineer Game is referred to as the PROVIDER in this document, and you are the CLIENT receiving our products or services (free or paid).

I can assure you that you are in a 100% safe space; you should know:


As stipulated by current regulations, I inform you that:

My business name is: Engineer Game LLC

My registered office is at 8 The Green STE A, Dover, DE 19901, United States of America (USA)


My business activity is: Training, Consulting, and Online Business.


The services provided by the website's responsible party are as follows:

1. The sale of training and services related to online business.

2. The sale of Ebooks

3. Managing the list of subscribers and users registered on the website.

4. Providing content on the blog

5. Managing the affiliate and merchant network as well as handling their payments

1.3. USERS:

Accessing and/or using this website grants the condition of USER, who accepts these terms of use from such access and/or use. However, mere use of the website does not imply the initiation of any labor/commercial relationship.



The website (hereinafter referred to as THE WEBSITE) provides access to articles, information, services, and data (hereinafter, “the contents”) owned by Engineer Game LLC. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website.

The USER agrees to make appropriate use of the contents provided through the website and, by way of example but not limited to, not to use them to:

(a) engage in illegal, unlawful activities or those contrary to good faith and public order;

(b) spread content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, illegal pornographic nature, or that advocates terrorism or is harmful to human rights;

(c) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the website, its providers, or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that could cause the aforementioned damage;

(d) attempt to access and, if applicable, use other users' email accounts and modify or manipulate their messages.

Engineer Game LLC reserves the right to remove any comments or contributions that violate respect for human dignity, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, harmful to youth or childhood, public order, or public safety, or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication.

In any case, Engineer Game LLC will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the blog or other participation tools that may be created, in accordance with applicable regulations.


Contact form, where the USER must fill in the email, subject, and name fields.

Subscription form, where the USER fills in the required fields for website subscription with name and email fields.

Sales form, where the USER fills in the required fields for the sale with name, email, address, and ID number fields.

Tracking cookies, according to the following rules:

1. Navigation and IP Address: When browsing this website, the user automatically provides the website server with information about their IP address, date and time of access, the hyperlink that directed them here, their operating system, and the browser used.

2. Despite the above, users can unsubscribe from any services provided by Engineer Game LLC or data provided by the USER at any time, in compliance with current data protection regulations. Furthermore, by subscribing to this website, making a comment, or making a purchase on any of its pages and/or entries, the user consents to:

a. The processing of their personal data within Wix and Click Funnels according to their privacy policies.

b. Engineer Game LLC's access to the data that, according to Wix and Click Funnels infrastructure, the user needs to provide either for website subscription or for any inquiry through the contact form.

We also inform you that our users' information is protected according to our PRIVACY POLICY.

By activating a subscription, contact form, or comment, the user understands and agrees that:

From the moment they make their subscription or access any paid service, Engineer Game LLC has access to:

a. Name, and email, or other necessary data forming a file named “WEBSITE USERS AND SUBSCRIBERS” or, in the case of making a purchase, will be subscribed to the file of “CUSTOMERS AND/OR SUPPLIERS” having access to name, surname, email, ID number, and full address.

In any case, Engineer Game LLC reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website as well as this legal notice.

You agree that if you provide success stories, testimonials, or other opinions about your experiences in events, private groups on Social Networks, or other channels, recorded mentoring, and programs, owned by Engineer Game, you will be truthful and complete in your statements and representations of the successes you provide, and we may use your stories or presentations for promotional purposes, at our discretion, in whole or in part, in any media worldwide, without notice, review, approval, or compensation to you.

This authorization includes Engineer Game's right to use your name, voice, image, film, video, recordings, or any derivative work in all media. This transfer of your image, success story, testimonial, or experiences will be free of charge, and you expressly agree that you will not receive, nor can claim, remuneration or payment for it.


Engineer Game LLC, either directly or as assignee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights to its website, as well as to the elements contained therein (by way of example, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by Engineer Game LLC or its licensors. All rights reserved.

Any unauthorized use by Engineer Game LLC will be considered a serious infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

Reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including making available, of the total or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, on any support and by any technical means, without authorization from Engineer Game LLC, are expressly prohibited.

The USER agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by Engineer Game LLC. They may only view the elements of the website without the possibility of printing, copying, or storing them on their computer hard drive or any other physical support. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing, or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on Engineer Game LLC's pages.

Sharing the license for use with others is strictly prohibited; each license is personal and non-transferable, reserving all civil and criminal actions available to safeguard our rights, all under the warning of committing a crime against intellectual property.


Engineer Game LLC is not responsible, under any circumstances, for damages of any nature that may occur, including but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the website – which will undergo periodic maintenance stops – as well as the transmission of viruses or malicious programs or harmful content, despite having adopted all necessary technological measures to avoid them.

You understand and agree that the value you will get from the Program will be proportional to the level of effort you make; your level of understanding; your experience, skills, level of desire, and willingness to take action regarding the information provided; and external factors such as global events, market conditions, employment, relationships, and other unknowns. Due to these unknowns and the variability between these factors, there is no way to know how well you will do or what results you will achieve. Consequently, the Provider does not, cannot, and will not offer any implied guarantees.

Any results or testimonials from previous clients that you have heard are only examples of what could be achieved but are not promises of future results.

You understand that there are risks associated with your decision and that previous results do not represent an indication of success, growth, or future profits.

You agree that we have made no, cannot make, and will not make claims or guarantees of financial, medical, health, or specific results based on this Program.

You understand that we do not offer personal, medical, psychological, legal, therapeutic, accounting, investment, or financial advice in this program, and no information contained in the Program should be mistaken as such.

You understand that this Program and all products and services of the Provider or its representatives are for educational, informational, and personal development purposes only.

You agree that we are not responsible for the success or failure of your actions, relationships, or business decisions related to any information presented by our Company or Coaches, and by registering for this program, you specifically release the Provider and any of its representatives or contractors from any special or consequential damages resulting from the use, or inability to use, the information or strategies communicated through this program and its materials and websites, or any service provided before or after this program, even if warned of the possibility of such damages.

You understand that this program is not a substitute for professional financial advice and that the Provider does not offer personal advice or consultation services. If you need personalized advice, you should contact a professional in the field.


The applicable legislation in the event of any disputes or conflicts related to this website will be the laws of the United States of America. All conflicts will be resolved in the competent courts of the United States of America.

By using this website, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States of America.

If you have any questions about this legal notice, you can contact us at