Discover and apply the strategy used by successful software developers to enhance their work

This strategy can help you increase your salary by 40% and advance your career

What you will learn in the Masterclass to advance your senior software developer career



Money psychology


Career planning

Personal branding

Content creation


Conversations with recruiters

Job applications



Your first month at work

1 day of FREE LIVE training and a lot of learning

What will we cover in the career webinar?

How to create your career plan

A career plan defines where you want to go and what your goals are. Don't let your career drift aimlessly.

How to build your personal brand on social media

Developing your personal brand and learning how to market yourself is key to increasing opportunities.

How to attract job opportunities

Making companies see you as a valuable asset is vital to securing a job.

How to succeed in interviews

Being a good professional is essential to passing interviews. You need to master both technical skills and soft skills.

How to negotiate your salary

Learning all the negotiation tricks can help you increase your salary.

How to excel in your new job

Once you have the job, you'll need to know what to do to improve and become a better engineer.

But... who is Alejandro Acosta?

My name is Alejandro Acosta, and I am the creator of Engineer Game. Having been in your situation, I have firsthand experience in the job search game.

With a proven track record of achieving my own life goals and helping others do the same, I am confident in my ability to guide you to success in the complex task of job searching in the tech industry.

  • I have worked in the technology and open-source industry for 23 years.
  • After moving to Silicon Valley in 2015, I significantly increased my compensation, going from $130k to $1M in total.
  • Throughout my career, I have participated in over 1000 job interviews with leading tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.
  • I can leverage my experience and knowledge to help you save time and avoid common mistakes in your own career.
  • As a mentor, I have successfully helped other Software Engineers secure positions at top companies like Amazon, Twitter, Uber, and Google.

Why do you need to learn to sell yourself?

If you're still wondering, you have a serious problem. Seriously.

Improve your job application success rate with personalized support

Find your dream company and succeed in the hiring process

Maximize your job offers with strategic negotiation

Stand out in your technical and soft skills interviews

Achieve personal development and a positive mindset

You've seen me in...

I understand, you need more proof.

The phrase “Tell me what you brag about and I'll tell you what you lack” doesn't apply to me or my team. It's logical. You need proof of my work. So let them show you:

You don't have to rely solely on job applications

You need to move forward and sell yourself every day. You don't have to rely solely on job portals. That's gambling with the success of your career.

The world has changed. You need to sell yourself every day to have the career you want. Great developers know this, and that's why we change our strategies to do it.

So now you decide: do you want to learn, apply my strategy, and sell yourself every day, or continue with your current job?